Living Set Apart

Since the beginning of time, God has called His people to live in a way that is set apart from the rest of the world.  In the Old Testament, this included things like not eating certain foods and following specific instructions to prepare sacrifices.  Throughout the Bible, God set standards for His people regarding how they should worship Him.  Many of these rules served to distinguish them from the rest of the surrounding nations and pagan practices of the time. 
While we do not need to worry about sprinkling the blood of our burnt offerings on our ear lobes or big toes (see Leviticus 14:28), God’s people are still called to live set apart in today’s culture.  For a student who is seeking to follow Jesus, this might mean not listening to certain types of music if the lyrics aren’t honoring to the Lord.  For adults, especially in the culture here in Northern Virginia, we can choose to live set apart in truly setting aside time each week for Sabbath to recognize our own limitations as humans and to show God that we trust Him to provide for our needs.  We can also live differently in how we use the money God has given us or in how we open up our homes to our neighbors. 
This morning the huddle leaders from Potomac Falls High School and River Bend Middle School teamed up to prepare a pancake feast for the huddle at River Bend.  The leaders all arrived at the school at 6:45am to fire up the griddles and prepare for this morning’s huddle.  Once the rest of the students arrived, they helped themselves to all you can eat pancakes while Brian, a 7th grade huddle leader, led a devotion on ONE Pain from the FCA Bible.  We talked about the worst sports injuries we’d ever received and some of the other struggles we’ve been through in our lives.  We shared about how we tend to respond during these struggles – like the thief on the cross who questioned Jesus or the one who trusted Him and believed that He was God and He was in control.  If a bunch of 11 – 18 year olds waking up super early (by teenager standards) to serve each other breakfast and encourage one another in their relationship with Jesus isn’t living set apart, I don’t know what is.  These kids inspire me every single day.
7th Grader Brian helps cook pancakes before leading the morning devotion

Awesome turnout for River Bend FCA's Pancake Day! 
First Peter 2:9 says, “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”  We are God’s special possession.  Chosen and loved by Him.  The rules He puts in place for us are not to be a big cosmic kill joy but rather to help us live a life that is set apart from the norm, a life of freedom and abundance in Him which, hopefully, attracts positive attention from others who will want to know about this abundant God for themselves.


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