Dear Loudoun Students

Dear Loudoun Students,

You’re almost there.  Just a few weeks left.  How are you feeling?  Tired, I bet.  As a former teacher I can assure you that your teachers are tired too.  (But no, you can’t just “do nothing” for the rest of the year.  Believe, me, that would be torture for everyone and would get old super fast!)  Some of you are approaching the end of your AP testing schedule, completely exhausted and overwhelmed.  Others of you may not have had any AP tests this time around but you’re about to be hit with VA SOL tests next week or so.  Plus, SAT test dates abound each weekend.  I’m sure you are so ready to be finished, especially those of you who are seniors and have known where you are going to college next year since February.  But can I offer you just a small bit of advice?

Finish well.

God has given you a brain and, like the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25:14 – 30, He has entrusted you to use it well.  Keep working hard.  Rely on the Lord for wisdom and energy to push through these next few weeks.  Get the papers done.  Study for these last few unit and quarter tests. 

And then? 

Give yourself grace.  When you’ve worked to the best of your ability, remember that your grades do not define you.  You honor God by studying and working hard and using the brain He’s given you.  Period.  Whether your effort earns you an A or a C.  (Side note: If you are working to the best of your ability, I really don’t think you will ever earn less than a C.  I know the curriculum in Loudoun.  I know many of your teachers.  I used to be one.  We do not like putting D’s and F’s in the gradebook.)

Lastly, when you’ve left it all out on the field, so to speak (remember, I work for FCA now.  It’s a requirement to speak in sports metaphors), you can be confident in knowing that you did the very best you could.  Have you ever had a really negative or judgmental thought pop into your head about someone else and immediately think, “Where did that come from?!”  If not, you are a far better person than I am.  But I’ve noticed that the times that I am most critical of those around me tend to coincide with the times I am feeling super insecure about things in my own life. 

So if you’re feeling completely exhausted and not sure that you can make it through one more month of testing and assignments (or testing and grading if you’re a teacher and you’re reading this), there are, of course some practical steps you can take.  Eat well.  Get enough sleep.  Maybe delete Netflix and Instagram off of your phone to create a bit of margin in your life for the next few weeks.  (Crazy talk, I know).  But at the end of the day , remember two things: perseverance and grace.  They work beautifully together and a healthy balance of the two is crucial in this life.  I’m rooting for you and praying for you and June 13th will be here before you know it!



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