One Word!

Last August I had the opportunity to attend our Loudoun/Fairfax/DC Staff retreat.  It was an awesome opportunity to learn more about the ministry and get to know my new colleagues.  Prior to the retreat, we had been asked to read a couple of books, one of which was One Word by FCA Mid-Atlantic Director Jimmy Page.  In his book, Jimmy encouraged people to pick a focal point for the year and sum it up using one word that you could post on your mirror, dashboard, wherever you’ll see it and be reminded.  He does this every year along with his wife, kids, and other friends and family members. 
The word I chose for myself at the retreat was “bold”.  I am not a particularly outgoing person by nature and while leaving my former job certainly required some boldness, I knew my new job with FCA would require even more of me as I stepped into schools and donor appointments where I knew nobody.  I want to be bold in reaching out to students and coaches to share Christ because that is what God desires of us.  2 Timothy 1:7 says, “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity but of power, love and discipline.”  Please pray that the Holy Spirit would continue to fill me with boldness as I visit schools this month, some for the first time, and that I would be able to share that same power of the Holy Spirit with the student leaders and coaches I encounter so that they can impact their schools and teams for Christ.


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