Changes Ahead

I came across a quote recently from podcast host Jamie B. Golden that resonated with me so strongly.  Regarding making plans for the future she said, “I don’t have a five-year plan.  God’s word is a lamp unto my feet, not my football field.”
Three years ago, I stepped out of my job as a classroom teacher to pursue an opportunity for full time staff with Loudoun Fellowship of Christian Athletes.  It was a difficult decision to make because I truly believed it was a permanent change and I came to realize in the months after I left teaching just how much of my identity was wrapped up in my career.  If there is a theme to my journey of walking with the Lord, though, it is continually surrendering my plans in order to trust in God’s.  Over the past year, I have spent much time in prayer regarding my role as an area representative with Loudoun FCA and, upon evaluating the gifts and passions God has given me, I have prayerfully made the decision to return to teaching, this time at my alma mater, Broad Run High School, in the fall of 2019. 
I’m so thankful for my time on staff (almost 3 years) with Loudoun FCA – for the people I’ve met and for the ways I have grown in my relationship with the Lord.  I have learned so much about the character of God – His provision, His faithfulness, and His immeasurable grace.  I have had a front row seat to coaches and athletes giving their lives to Christ, growing in their faith, and building their confidence as leaders. 
However, I have also come to understand that the line between sacred and secular is not quite so clearly defined and that every job can be ministry when done unto the Lord.  I return to the classroom this fall with a renewed perspective of Loudoun County Public Schools as the mission field to which I have been called.  I look forward to continuing to be a part of the work God is doing through FCA in Loudoun County as a volunteer, donor, and prayer partner in the years to come.


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