2016-2017 Ministry Recap

This past week, our multi-area director emailed the staff asking us to prepare a short PowerPoint presentation with pictures, videos, and highlights from the ministry over the past year.  He specified to include details from September 1 through now, but as I didn’t join the staff until December 1, my ministry year was a bit shorter than everyone else’s.  Still, going back through my pictures and videos from huddles, it was so evident how God has been at work in Eastern Loudoun Schools this year.  I went from only knowing students, teachers, and coaches at one school in Loudoun (Potomac Falls, where I taught for the past several years), to now knowing staff and students at seven other high schools and five middle schools. 
With all of these schools to visit, several with overlapping huddle times, I am so incredibly grateful for the teachers, parents, and local youth group leaders who so faithfully serve with our ministry each week.  In anticipation of the new middle school opening in the Brambleton area next year, I am so excited that I already have a teacher sponsor and student leaders stepping up to make sure that huddle is up and running at the beginning of the school year.  I have had a blast character coaching with the girls’ lacrosse team at Potomac Falls – all while learning a lot about the complicated rules of girls’ lacrosse!  Lately, it seems like I get at least one email each week of someone new wishing to volunteer with our ministry, whether it’s as a character coach, a huddle mom, or even offering to help with Loudoun FCA’s fundraising events throughout the year.  These are just a few of the many blessings I've experienced as an Area Representative with Loudoun FCA over the past few months.
As we head into camp season, where we’ll be pouring into coaches and student leaders and sharing the gospel with hundreds of kids from our area, it’s exciting and humbling to think about the growth our ministry could see next year with existing huddles growing, new huddles starting at some schools, and, God-willing, coaches huddles forming at several of our high schools too.  As wonderful as this spring semester has been, I can’t wait to see what God does during the 2017-2018 school year!


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